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ECO East Central Presbytery

In ECO’s Polity, the role of the presbytery is to support, encourage, and be a resource for local congregations. ECO presbyteries are designed to be flexible and to cultivate connection and community among member churches.

East Central Presbytery
Teams, Pastors, and Clerks

Church Planting
Ordination (PMOT)
Care & Connections
Pastors & Clerks

Robin Keesee

The Moderator oversees the Presbytery and Presbytery Council, setting vision and focus for its members.

Contact the Moderator For
  • Information about presbytery gatherings
  • Representation of the presbytery at the ordination and/or installation
  • An opportunity to share ideas for new ministry initiatives 
Email the Moderator


Steve Hartman

The Chair of the Ministry Partnership Team coordinates efforts to strengthen the local church and relationships of the presbytery.

Contact the MPT Chair For
  • Support in times of crisis, conflict, or transition
  • Assistance with identifying Flourishing Next Steps 
  • Inquiries regarding ECO membership for a pastor or church
Email the MPT Chair


Rusty Gregg

The Stated Clerk keeps the records for both the Presbytery and Presbytery Council.

Contact the Clerk For
  • Records of Presbytery and Presbytery Council proceedings 
  • Records related to pastor or church membership
  • Assistance involving disciplinary matters
Email the Clerk



Doug Nagel

Email the Vice-Moderator

Permanent Judicial

Commission  (PJC)

Matt Merrill

Email the PJC Chair

Pastoral Ministry

Ordination Team (PMOT)

Todd Lilley

Email the PMOT Chair



Bill Smith

Email the Treasurer

Church Planting

Josh Modrzynski

Email the Church Planting Chair

Global Missions Advocate 

Sarah Hill

Email the Global Missions Advocate

Care & Connections

Tommy Nance

Email the Care & Connections Chair

Nominating Team

Bob Andrews

Email the Nominating Team Chair


To view all churches in the the East Central Presbytery, click the button below.

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What We Believe

What we live out and focus on as a presbytery.

Our mission as a presbytery is to support, encourage, and aid churches, church plants, and individuals in various ways, whether through providing guidance, resources, or assistance during regional natural disasters. 

East Central Pastors - Get Connected!

We believe collaboration, shared commitments, and transparent relationships are crucial to flourishing ministry. These covenantal relationships provide the context for the Holy Spirit’s continual reformation of the Church into a more faithful and effective participant in God’s mission.


Part of being in a “covenanted order” is the willingness for pastors to commit ourselves into the care and accountability of other pastors. 

We understand that there are forces inside of us as human beings which can make it easier to be individualists and to resist being known. We know that we will remain blind to being “curved in upon ourselves” (Luther) unless someone helps us to see and repent. Hence, we believe that the Covenanted Order provides the external accountability to keep us focused upon our missional calling and our biblical/theological roots.

Join a Mission Affinity Group!

These Mission Affinity Groups (MAGs) are ordinarily comprised of three to five congregations who share similar ministry settings and contexts. These contexts may include but are not limited to: size, geographic location, cultural or demographic similarities, or future ministry goals.

Members of MAGs commit to meet at least once a year, for at least three years, and connect in other ways in between meetings.

I want to join a MAG!

Join a Pastor Covenant Group!

For churches to flourish, pastors need to be spiritually and relationally healthy. These intentional relationships of accountability and support, are a vital place for pastors to be prayed for, cared for, and encouraged in their relationship with Jesus Christ. 

Pastoral Covenant Groups are peer-to-peer relationships and meet together face-to-face at least once a year.

I want to join a PCG!

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